Heinrich Pas

Heinrich Pas

'The Monist holds that the whole is foundational and that the parts are derived'

Heinrich Pas and his Life

Pas suggests that Qunatum Physics theory points towards a Monist truth. He suggests that the absolute (the One) is a Universal Wave Field and that reality as we percieve it only comes into existence through the act of observation. More specifically he draws the analogy of a Projector and a screen, where the projector (the Universal Wave Field) is the reality and the images on the screens (our lives) are illusory. 

Pas and his Words

The notion that there is but One thing in the Universe, the universe itself, is known to philosophers as 'monism'.

'The Question of what separates all beings, subjects and objects alike, appears to have absorbed humanity from its very beginning. And indeed, an obvious answer is nothing; there are no individual objects or subjects; everyone and everything is part of an integrated whole'

'Monism can be both a ray of hopeand a risk.....by realising that we are all facets of an underlying unity connecting ourselves with our immediate ecological environment, and eventually to the entire universe, may we be better prepared to sustain our planet and face future crises together'